I am not perfect.
And while a part of me has known this for quite some time, I have continued to look at perfection as an end goal to my life. I have spent too many hours fantasizing about the perfect job, perfect husband, perfect children, and perfect body. Without expending too much energy, I realize that I have simply been waiting for the moment when everything will fall into place, packaged in a pretty box and wrapped in a bow. I have been waiting for the heavens to open up, for the stars to align, for the hand of God himself to arrange all the pieces of my life into a fantasy.
But I will never be perfect and life is not a fantasy.
The pieces of my life may never fit inside a perfect box. I may never get the job of my dreams, I might not meet Prince Charming, and I will probably never be given the body of Beyonce (a truly crushing realization.) But instead of giving in to defeat, I am making a conscious decision to remake my life, one day at a time. I am choosing to work towards happy.
And the first step is getting in shape.
Starting today, I am dedicating myself to my personal fitness and health. It won't be easy. It will never be easy. But it sure will be rewarding.